Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Program Do Ogladania Filmow New girl in Madrid!

Hi, I'm in Madrid two months ago. I teach English, of Stafford (a puebo in central England, near Birmingham).

I have free time in August and I want to see more of the city, and parts of Spain that are more fences. I want to visit Toledo and Segovia, but other teachers told me that Toledo does more heat than Madrid in August - this is the truth? I think not, but I'm not sure these things ..

is very hot now, and I would like to find some places with pools, shade, and many things to do. You know where I can do aqua sports? (Canoeing, water skiing etc). What do people here to relax in the summer - can recommend somewhere?

I'm glad to live here - I love the city,people and especially the food! :) But I do not like soleil this month, lol.

PD Excuse my English - learn, but still not good!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kids Birthday Cakes Dirt Bike Track

Monday, July 23, 2007

Boler Trailer S For Sale In Ont Madriz @ 2007-07-24T06: 52:00

hi I'm studying in Madrid and now I have two weeks in the program. last week we went to Barcelona. Saturday we went to the nightclub Razzmatazz. I imagine many of you know this place. Well, let me know if there are any similar club or coughs the same type of music in madrid. not necessarily have to be so big. and annoys me with other clubs that in my program like that are still playing the hip-hop any more and that no more pure you are with Americans (I am American too but the only Americans I meet in these places are assholes and idiots).

sorry for the mistakes in my English